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Showing posts from 2021

Day Two : Christmas Cheer Challenge 2021

Day Two: Christmas Cheer Challenge 2021 By: Kori McKenna  Day 1: Today, I found extra Christmas Cards. Four of them and were blank inside. The spaces needed to be filled with love and given to a stranger who stood out to me.  On this day, I wrote the words on the cards. "Happy Holidays! You stood out to me. I want to thank you for being a wonderful human individual. Just like the holidays, you bring so much light to the world. I appreciate you, and your individuality is inspiring. I hope comfort, joy, peace, and love be yours this holiday season and always" Day 2: Today, I decorated the cards and put them together. They are really homemade, making them all the cuter with lots of effort put into them. I addressed the card to "an extraordinary human." I signed off with "with care, your neighbor." I sealed the envelope with a sticker, "OPEN, made with love." On the front, I labeled it with "To, an inspiring person. From, someone you inspired&q

Diary of Psoriasis: My Experience Tracker Pt.1

 Diary of Psoriasis: My Experience Tracker Pt.1 By: Kori McKenna In this photo, if you look closely, you can see my hairline has "snowflakes."   This is the first time I have talked about my battle journey with psoriasis, eczema, and similar skin conditions. My first struggle with skin conditions started with scalp psoriasis when I was a child. I also had many skin rashes growing up. Now I am in my mid 20's, and I have scalp psoriasis, rashes, and eczema.      When I went to the doctor as a child, they gave me Head and Shoulder shampoo, which did not keep my scalp psoriasis at bay. Sometimes my scalp would go into remission, but that is a rare occasion that comes and goes. There is no cure for psoriasis.      Recently I went to the doctor as a young adult(Age 23), and they prescribed me three topical medications. The doctor says I have Seboherroic Dermatitis on the front of my scalp, face, and inside my ears; then I have plaques of psoriasis on the sides and back of my sc

Money Talks-Support Sustainable Businesses

Money Talks-Support Sustainable Businesses By: Kori McKenna      You've heard, "put your money where your mouth is!" Yes, we need to start supporting businesses with sustainable practices. Sustainable for the environment, for society, and for culture. Business practices should not harm other people, but we see more harm than good today.       You've heard, "money talks." And in volumes, it does. When you vow to stop supporting corrupt businesses that are only interested in money and profit, you are making a choice for a better world for all of humanity. You are making a choice to impact your community, neighbors and your support even goes global. There is a tremendous return rate on supporting sustainable businesses -  in fact, the return rate would be endless.      My advice to start supporting sustainable businesses is to ease your way in. Find your local whole foods, co-op stores, and farmers' markets. From their products, perks, core values, customer

The Gift of Thoughtfulness

  The Gift of Thoughtfulness By: Kori McKenna Did you know that the opposite of "thoughtful" is "superficial"? Now with that being said, let's talk about what being thoughtful is. Being thoughtful is defined by Oxford Langues as " absorbed in or involving thought,  showing consideration for the needs of other people, and  showing careful consideration or attention."   Being thoughtful is considered a valuable character trait, and each of us should use it! Being thoughtful will give each of us better meaning and awareness to our lives and the world around us. And being thoughtful is not only directed towards others; thoughtfulness can also be used in your personal decisions regarding yourself. Slowing down is the best way to practice thoughtful behavior. Slowing down allows for time to process and understand the needs of ourselves and others.  Did you know that being thoughtful makes individuals feel more comfortable? Practice the lifestyle of being tho

Christmas Cheer Challenge 2021!

  Christmas Cheer Challenge 2021 By: Kori McKenna I am inviting you to be a part of the Christmas Cheer Challenge 2021! What: The 2021 Christmas Cheer Challenge. You will need Christmas cards with no writing inside(I made four separate cards). Then you will want to find a reason to give these cards to specific strangers. The below photo is what I wrote on the inside of my cards. My target is to find individuals who stand out to me as extraordinary humans and make sure I can give them some love and appreciation. Your target may differ from mine. Who: Invite your friends to this challenge. You will be giving the prepared cards to strangers with who you have made contact during your day. When: The Christmas Cheer challenge will run from December until January 1, 2022. Where: Anywhere you meet an individual who stood out to you in some way. Why: To give gratitude to our neighbors and let strangers know that they are unique, noticed, and cared about. I will be sharing my experience in a Chr

Five Ways To Beat Depression

  Five Ways To Beat Depression By: Kori McKenna Depression gets the best of everyone at some point. Here are some tips to help get you out of the funk. This is especially helpful as seasonal depression is at its peak this time of the year. 1. Give yourself something to look forward to. At points, this is hard when there might not be anything to look forward to. I say, make something happen so you can find hope or enjoyment in something, even if it's something small.   2. There will never be a perfect time, so it's time to complete dreams, goals, and hobbies that you have put on hold. It's good to have your best interest in mind and start working on yourself.  3. It takes time and practice to get out of depression. If you have fallbacks, it is essential to keep a positive mindset and quickly move forward from setbacks. Resilience and consistency will boost your confidence and help keep you out of depressions.  4.  We have to learn to let go of things we can not control. Take

Eco-Friendly Hygiene Products

  Amazing Eco-Friendly Hygiene Products By: Kori McKenna      In this blog, I will share hygiene products that are eco-friendly, biodegradable, chemical-free, and affordable.               If you're like me, then you enjoy researching the best sustainable products to buy on the market. There is so much to learn about eco-friendly products, and it can give most people a headache.   I love to share my best tips and tricks while keeping it as affordable as possible. You can thank me later!       While research is endless, I work hard to support the best businesses practices possible at an affordable price. There will always be room for me to grow and learn, and as you journey with me on my adventure, I will share improved hacks, skills, products, and more.     1 . ECO by Naty Flushable Baby Wipes: For Sensitive Skin, Plastic Free, Chlorine Free, Bleach Free, Dye Free, Synthetic Frangrance Freee, Paraben Free, Silicone Free, GMO-Free Did you know that regular baby wipes can take more

Hacks to Start Healthy Living Today

  Hacks to Start Healthy Living Today By: Kori McKenna There are more ways than ever to start being the healthiest version of yourself! Believe in yourself and strive for a change! I will share my top hack for starting a clean and healthy lifestyle immediately. I have done the research, and I will share it with you to save time! Pure Ingredients ; this is my #1 hack. If you read labels of products, the top ingredients are arguably the most important ones. We have become a nation where a huge ingredient list is standard, but that is not the case. Fewer ingredients equal purer and cleaner products. Try to buy organic.  Examples of Pure Ingredients: Jojoba Oil, Coconut Oil, Soapnut Powder, Essential Oils, Shea Butter, Apple Cider Vinegar. Now I will tell you why pure ingredients are essential to starting a healthy lifestyle immediately:  The great news is that pure ingredients are cheaper, better for the environment and you! Pure Ingredients are versatile and can be used for many aspects

Follow Your Dreams, Not a Low-end Job!

Follow Your Dreams, Not a Low-end Job! By: Kori McKenna       Working a low-end job can make anyone feel unsatisfied with life. Most people are searching for more in life than that; however, everyone has had low-end jobs to get to where they need to be in life. Most times, it's a struggle balancing a formidable job and making your dreams come true. I can attest to this. I am sitting at work on my break as I write this blog. My job is one of the lowest of the low. I spend much time working towards my goals in my free time so that I don't have to work this kind of job my whole life.       Unfortunately, at most low-end jobs, you can find older people who have worked this job their whole lives, and that is even where they plan to retire, or you find young kids working there who you know will be just like those same older adults one day.  I  ask myself, how did they not want more from life? And I also believe they could have done more for themselves, but they gave up to soon.  Thes

Why We Need to Normalize Healthy Food

  Why We Need to Normalize Healthy Food By: Kori McKenna              The staple of every meal in most households is meat, bread, and a portion of overcooked vegetables. This has been the norm for what seems to go back in time. Did you know that America eats the most meat more than any other country compared to some countries 12 times the amount of meat?           If it's a special occasion or just your average meal out on the town, meat is included. When I first became vegan, my grandpa came over for a holiday meal; there was no meat on the table. He ate the dinner but complained about no meat. He then said he would stop at Burger King on the way home to get his fix.         It seems like people eat one serving of vegetables and indeed think it's enough. They complain that vegetables are for rabbits and nasty, but nutrition facts and vegetables, fruits, and legumes are the best things you can provide to your body to keep it functional.         Just because we were lied to abou

Sexism In Everyday Life

Sexism In Everyday Life By: Kori McKenna     I have something to get off my chest; I am angry! I cannot get over the sexism I see in everyday life! Both genders face sexism, and it needs to be abolished. As a womxn, I will attest that I am so sick of the constant sexism and misogyny I face, DAILY! The sexist attitudes and beliefs that have made their way into mainstream living have me feeling completely disrespected.     I need to be very honest here about what has started this anger in me. It began as simple things where strange men would call me honey or sweetie. The simple stuff where men would tell me to smile because it would make me look prettier. The simple, using pussy to refer to a weak person. The simple but a man would not talk to another man that way, but will a womxn. This is just the beginning of a broader engrained issue, and let me tell you, this blog can't even cover 0.01% of what is going on with this deranged world we call home.     The more educated I became on

Sliding Into Autumn Traditions

Sliding Into Autumn Traditions By: Kori McKenna     It seems Autumn is everyone's default favorite season, doesn't it? It's the "white girl's season," as many social influencers have suggested. Everyone has hopped on the bandwagon of Pumpkin Spice and everything nice during this season, including Ugg boots.   Fall has always been a season of tradition, and it's perfectly fitting to celebrate such. What is not to love?     First, the temperature change is undoubtedly an excellent reason to love Autumn. It's the perfect temperature, and the landscape views are breathtaking this time of year. Living in Northern Michigan, I can attest to the beauty this season brings, not just within the landscapes but within people's souls. Something about Autumn has people slowing down and taking the time to enjoy life a bit more, perhaps the fact that it's so cold we have no choice but to live under a blanket and around the campfire!     My first fall traditions

9/11's Reformation in 2021

  9/11's Reformation in 2021 By: Kori McKenna      In 2001 I was three years old, so for me, I cannot remember one thing about 9/11. However, for years to come growing up and going to school, 9/11 was always an educational day. As a kid, you may not realize how serious a situation is, but as I grew into an adult, I began to understand the impact 9/11 had on America and worldwide.       Let me explain what many already know, but others don't, including myself. How did 9/11 happen? With President Biden calling for declassification of many documents from the FBI on 9/11, we will surely learn more. However, in the meantime, we knew the basic measures that day 20 years ago. Terrorist groups had flown to America via regular airports just as any other person would. Airport to airport, these terrorists passed security measures without a problem. When they reached USA airports, they had boarded more planes yet and succeeded. After the boarding process was completed, the aircraft took of

Thoughts On Afghanistan

  Thoughts On Afghanistan  By: Kori  McKenna Afghanistan's National Flag.        Ever since I was a young kid, I have been interested in Afghanistan. As I grew up, my interest in the subject never left my mind. With the most recent unfortunate events happening in Afghanistan, the issue should no longer be waited to talk about.         America has been at war in Afghanistan for 20 years. The outcome of the end of the war is unfortunate. The presence of American soldiers kept many civilians safe, and now these same civilians are at high risk. It is excellent that America and several other countries have accepted Afghan civilians. Some of these Afghani's will be living in a city near me! I'm very excited to have more identities and cultures around me. Culture is a beautiful thing, so I am happy that we are helping the situation at hand.        My favorite travel blogger, Drew Binsky, mentioned that Afghanistan is one of his favorite countries. I had always thought about visit

New Ways To Care For The Environment And Yourself

New Ways To Care For The Environment And Yourself By: Kori McKenna      The news has always been letting us know that climate change is more significant than ever. Our fight for environmental justice is far from over. It takes time for laws to pass, such as banning single-use plastic, non-gasoline cars, and green energy. Still, you and I can do everything in our power to change the environment. Yes, it does start with you. Check out some new and exciting ways to get involved with saving the environment.       Our daily life has a massive impact on the environment. Look around where you are right now and note that those items will be in a landfill one day. The good thing about those items is at least you are using them long-term. Some of those items can be  donated to be reused , but what about  single-use plastic ? Single-use plastic is precisely as it sounds, plastic that will only be used one time. Your shampoo bottles, lotion bottles, paper towel (not plastic, but same idea), tooth

Pros And Cons Of Apartment Living

Pros and Cons of Apartment Living By: Kori McKenna Apartment living has a bad reputation. While I agree with that reputation, I will share the pros and cons I have experienced while living in an apartment. I don't live in the most flattering apartment complex, but it's what I have to call home.  Let's start with the good stuff!    Most apartments are located in central locations around town, so you can quickly get to where you need to go. Everything I need is a walk or bike ride away, including beaches, any kind of store, gas stations, and even the hospital. I was able to get rid of my car and save plenty of money, making one reason apartment living is cheaper. The central location means you don't have to deal with the backroads during winter, which is a nice perk!    Apartment living is usually city living which means you are never alone. Still, you dont get silence when you want it. Constant movement and activity are happening around you. I love to sit at my window wh