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Sexism In Everyday Life

Sexism In Everyday Life

By: Kori McKenna

    I have something to get off my chest; I am angry! I cannot get over the sexism I see in everyday life! Both genders face sexism, and it needs to be abolished. As a womxn, I will attest that I am so sick of the constant sexism and misogyny I face, DAILY! The sexist attitudes and beliefs that have made their way into mainstream living have me feeling completely disrespected.

    I need to be very honest here about what has started this anger in me. It began as simple things where strange men would call me honey or sweetie. The simple stuff where men would tell me to smile because it would make me look prettier. The simple, using pussy to refer to a weak person. The simple but a man would not talk to another man that way, but will a womxn. This is just the beginning of a broader engrained issue, and let me tell you, this blog can't even cover 0.01% of what is going on with this deranged world we call home.

    The more educated I became on sexism, the more prevalent it has become, and it's inescapable. What the hell does a womxn owe to a man? Absolutely nothing! I am tired of men controlling women all the way down to a womxn's belief system. How dare a man tell womxn that because they're getting older, they are no longer attractive or because a womxn has had sex multiple times, she is a slut or has a loose vagina? This really says more about men than it does a womxn. These conversations happen daily and unapologetically out in the open, and it's time that men and woman alike start feeling ashamed for talking like this about each other.

    In fact, speaking of womxn, this is just another on the list of what angers me so much: even womxn are sexist towards other womxn! At work, I talked with my coworkers about how womxn are better at running things than men when given the opportunity. I had stated that womxn run the world and that I want to see more positions of power held by womxn, and of course, my coworkers slightly agreed but then came of hesitant and said, "sure, but when womxn are in charge, they are bxxches." I didn't know quite how to respond; perhaps someone could speak for me on this. Indeed men also have their issues when in charge as anyone does when given a position of power. It's unfortunate to see how comfortable even womxn have become to having men in order.

    Lastly, what has got me so angry is my own fiance. Yes, he knows I am speaking about this, and it's okay because it's a learning curve. My fiance and I do not live together yet, and actually, he lives with his parents, and I live a separate independent lifestyle. I have been living an independent lifestyle for six years, and while that is not long, it's more than his zero years, and I indeed have my poop in a scoop. So, I just started my new job, and of course, it was a little stressful the first week. Instead of my fiance acknowledging how well I have kept my house together while working full time, he dared to suggest how I could do things better. Low and behold, the same way he had recommended I do something better was exactly what I was already doing as if he hasn't been paying attention to how I have been completing my tasks. This was the ultimate straw because my very own fiance, who knows my robust belief system, had even used the misogynist card on me, and by golly, that has what got me so fired up to write this blog. How dare the world treat us like this? It is time for a change.

    I am sick and tired of this sexist world, and it is time for it to end. Do not ever stop talking about this, educating yourself or others because it will continue to exist. We will all be disrespected no matter what gender unless we can educate the world on it. It is time to end sexism!


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