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Why We Need to Normalize Healthy Food

 Why We Need to Normalize Healthy Food

By: Kori McKenna


    The staple of every meal in most households is meat, bread, and a portion of overcooked vegetables. This has been the norm for what seems to go back in time. Did you know that America eats the most meat more than any other country compared to some countries 12 times the amount of meat? 
   If it's a special occasion or just your average meal out on the town, meat is included. When I first became vegan, my grandpa came over for a holiday meal; there was no meat on the table. He ate the dinner but complained about no meat. He then said he would stop at Burger King on the way home to get his fix. 

     It seems like people eat one serving of vegetables and indeed think it's enough. They complain that vegetables are for rabbits and nasty, but nutrition facts and vegetables, fruits, and legumes are the best things you can provide to your body to keep it functional. 

     Just because we were lied to about what healthy food was in the past doesn't mean we should continue this unhealthy lifestyle. It is essential that we see food for what it is and not for what we want it to be. People wish for tasty food, but the food is for survival and not taste. However, vegan foods have complex flavors, just like meat; we must learn to cook with these ingredients by using meat substitutes and seasonings. 

    When you eat vegan, your body is provided the nutrients it needs to be functional and healthy for your whole life. When you eat meat, dairy, and processed grains, there is almost no good nutrient profile. Comparably the better option is vegan versions, so why fill your stomach with empty nutrition? Again, for taste? You will need to train your taste palate. Let your guards down and control yourself. You can do it! 

     There are vegetables and fruits I'd never touch, but being vegan, my palate has changed. I now eat flavors that I didn't like.  I hope for a future where eating the right foods will bring joy and happiness to you as it does for me. Bad habits are always magnetizing but let's start making a chain reaction of good habits that will contribute to healthier humans and a healthier planet.


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