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Pros And Cons Of Apartment Living

Pros and Cons of Apartment Living

By: Kori McKenna

Apartment living has a bad reputation. While I agree with that reputation, I will share the pros and cons I have experienced while living in an apartment. I don't live in the most flattering apartment complex, but it's what I have to call home. 

Let's start with the good stuff!

   Most apartments are located in central locations around town, so you can quickly get to where you need to go. Everything I need is a walk or bike ride away, including beaches, any kind of store, gas stations, and even the hospital. I was able to get rid of my car and save plenty of money, making one reason apartment living is cheaper. The central location means you don't have to deal with the backroads during winter, which is a nice perk! 

  Apartment living is usually city living which means you are never alone. Still, you dont get silence when you want it. Constant movement and activity are happening around you. I love to sit at my window while working and the busyness of the outside world inspires me.

  Apartments are cheaper than houses! It's an excellent opportunity to save money for your future living situation. 

  I like that apartments are small and basic; it makes them simple to clean and maintain cheaply. The maintenance team will focus on any problems you have with your apartment and the surroundings. You don't have to shovel any snow or mow any lawn! Since they are so easy to maintain, you get to spend more time on other responsibilities. 

  Safety is also a great reason to live in an apartment. Having close neighbors and being located next to other large businesses ensures that you will not worry about safety precautions.

  Many apartment complexes have fantastic perks, including pools and gyms! This is something my complex doesn't have, and if I were to search for another apartment, these items would be on my must-have list.

  Living in an apartment will save you lots of time, energy, and money!

Now let's talk about the bad stuff!

  As I mentioned earlier, constant activity is going on around you, so you don't get silence when you want it. Since your neighbors will have different living styles, it makes apartment living super inconvenient and sometimes annoying. You can hear everything from inside your apartment including loud banging on doors, loud music, arguments, and barking dogs at odd hours of the day. People in the complex often don't follow simple rules in the lease that are meant to respect other neighbors. 


  One of the most inconvenient factors I have faced when living in an apartment is the quiet hours. I work the graveyard shift, so I am most active during the night. On my days off, I cannot clean or do daily activities around the house because I would cause disturbance to my neighbors. You also cannot do laundry or vacuum past 8pm. 

  Apartments are costly for what they are. They are small living spaces, and you don't get much for such a high rent price. No yard, no personal customization to your place, and sometimes no pets allowed. Also if you have landlords who don't keep up on the property or your apartment it also makes you wonder why you are paying such a high price.

  Your neighbors can be the most significant disturbance since they have different ways of living. Sharing the laundry area and the commons area has become some of the most disgusting stuff I have seen at the complex. People refusing to pick up dog feces outside, and sometimes there are even feces inside the complex! A laundry room full of gross substances, and you wonder how stuff like that even happens. It's definitely not meant for clean freaks in which I am. The hallways even start to stink because people do live dirty lifestyles.

  Complexes have many levels with no elevators. Bringing groceries home? Be prepared for a workout. Have a mailman who refuses to bring packages to your door and leaves them in the mailroom? Be ready for a workout. And speaking of mail, apartments have the highest rate of mail theft! It has happened at my complex multiple times. 

  Living in an apartment has multiple inconveniences. The last major inconvenience I find is having to explain where I live. It is always confusing to guests. Also, entrance doors usually have some kind of security on them. At my complex, I have to walk to the entrance door to let my guests in or grab my food delivery.

  All that being said, I am fortunate and blessed to have a home, and depending on the day, the pros and cons can outweigh each other. I would highly recommend an apartment for anyone who needs significant convenience. If you don't need convenience and looking for comfort, consider a house because it is a substantial upgrade from an apartment. 




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