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New Ways To Care For The Environment And Yourself

New Ways To Care For The Environment And Yourself

By: Kori McKenna

    The news has always been letting us know that climate change is more significant than ever. Our fight for environmental justice is far from over. It takes time for laws to pass, such as banning single-use plastic, non-gasoline cars, and green energy. Still, you and I can do everything in our power to change the environment. Yes, it does start with you. Check out some new and exciting ways to get involved with saving the environment. 

    Our daily life has a massive impact on the environment. Look around where you are right now and note that those items will be in a landfill one day. The good thing about those items is at least you are using them long-term. Some of those items can be donated to be reused, but what about single-use plastic? Single-use plastic is precisely as it sounds, plastic that will only be used one time. Your shampoo bottles, lotion bottles, paper towel (not plastic, but same idea), toothbrushes, soap containers, cleaning chemicals, girl products, and so much more. Yes, it can be frustrating and a little more expensive to switch to eco-friendly products. Still, I have found that it is almost the same price if you are frugal with the item and taking care of it. Another benefit of switching to eco-friendly products is that they tend to be healthier for you, even organic. No harmful chemicals mean good for you and the environment. It does take a lot of time to transition away from single-use. Don't think it has to be an overnight change. Still, there is an eco-friendly alternative to almost any product on the market.

    While items can be recycled, only 8% of the total recyclables pass inspection, so the rest goes to the landfill. Yes, that sounds unmotivating, but 8% is a large percentage considerably to the total number. To help increase that percentage, first, everyone needs to recycle. We have to clean and rinse the containers we are recycling. With that, the rate will increase. Learn about what is and isn't recyclable with a quick google search. Batteries are an essential item that you need to hold on to and recycle at a local drop-off to dispose of them properly. 

    Like recycling, but composting is for food items. Again, you can learn about compostable items with a google search. Composting allows food items to be reused and turned into energy for gardens and farming. There are other uses of composting, and there are many local businesses that will either accept pickups or drop-offs. So save your compost for someone who will use it! 

     I grew up turning off lights when leaving a room and not leaving the water running when doing dishes or brushing my teeth. Still, some of these habits slipped away when I moved into an apartment that has utilities included. I knew I was wrong, but I was selfish because it is easy to fall into that trap. It is also easy to get out of the trap. Unplug electronics you aren't using, turn off items when you leave the house, and don't leave your water running. In fact, I challenge you to conserve as much water, electricity, etc., as you can. Perhaps that means a shorter shower, reusing water, or even just turning off and unplugging appliances when done with them. Even if you are not using them, they are still using electricity. This is helpful to you because we need an excellent environment to survive and you will have cheaper bills.

    Sometimes living eco-friendly is not as convenient, but like anything with practice, it becomes instinct. Portable washers and dryers are a great alternative to commercial use. There are many styles of portables suitable for camping, apartment living, and cutting down on your usage of water and electricity. These portable systems encourage you to hang-dry your clothes. I hang dry my clothes on a rack inside the house. It can take 1-2 days pending a fully dry, but that is no inconvenience. In fact, it helps me keep up on my laundry vs. waiting until it piles up.

    Using your bike or walking more is another one of those tasks that may not be as convenient, but as I mentioned, practice makes perfect. I have gotten rid of my car, and I may never own a car again; that is not to say I wouldn't rent one as needed, but I know my ecological footprint is more minor. I indeed don't have a maintenance bill to pay! Start small and take buses, Ubers, etc., as needed. One less car on the road is better for all humans and the environment once again. 

    Minimize your expenses; that sounds like a great way to save up for a vacation or doing the things you love to do. Minimizing your costs means minimizing your lifestyle. How many times do you walk into your house and think my kid has too many toys? Yes, they do. Stick to a few toys, and google research "how to Montessori my kid's toys." You will be guaranteed success, along with less cleaning up. Kids can be one of our most significant bills and consume much of our time. Laundry, we all know how laundry piles up; stop buying so many clothes for your family and yourself. Firstly, purchase recycled or used clothes when possible, especially for kids. Next, try a clothing method such as 5 articles of each clothing. Buy outfits that go together already, so you don't have to buy extra clothes for mix and match, and you save the headache of deciding what to wear. Yes, you will have to do laundry a little more often, but there will be no pileup of clothes! AWESOME!

    Agree to disagree, but I hope I can find some way to convince you. If you have a baby, switch to reusable diapers and wipes. That is a considerable expense. I know what you are thinking... gross. When you are saving money or going on vacation, you will not be complaining. This is a brilliant idea!

    When you make eco-friendly decisions, you will likely already support and fund local, small, sustainable, eco-friendly businesses!

    Lastly, go vegan, vegetarian, plant-based, or cut back on the meat you consume and buy from businesses with excellent animal practices. Better practices mean more nutrient-dense meat for you. We all should know by now that animal farming is one of the worst practices for the environment. Vegan is healthy for you, and you can get all the nutrients you need. There are many misconceptions about veganism, what they eat and how they get all their nutrients. It goes to show how little we understand about healthy food. I recommend joining a vegan, vegetarian, plant-based Facebook group and ask any questions you have. There's a lot of misconceptions that if you have certain diseases, you cannot go vegan. Still, in actuality, there is a high chance each of us can become vegan. For example, if you google search, "what can celiacs eat as a vegan," you will find it's possible.

    Awareness is the most significant factor in making a change, so have conversations about single-use plastic, the environment and find ways to change your style of living. The theme here is to do what YOU can. Ask what YOU can do, big or small. I guarantee you, you will impact the world.


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