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Follow Your Dreams, Not a Low-end Job!

Follow Your Dreams, Not a Low-end Job!

By: Kori McKenna

     Working a low-end job can make anyone feel unsatisfied with life. Most people are searching for more in life than that; however, everyone has had low-end jobs to get to where they need to be in life. Most times, it's a struggle balancing a formidable job and making your dreams come true. I can attest to this. I am sitting at work on my break as I write this blog. My job is one of the lowest of the low. I spend much time working towards my goals in my free time so that I don't have to work this kind of job my whole life. 

    Unfortunately, at most low-end jobs, you can find older people who have worked this job their whole lives, and that is even where they plan to retire, or you find young kids working there who you know will be just like those same older adults one day.  I  ask myself, how did they not want more from life? And I also believe they could have done more for themselves, but they gave up to soon.  These same people motivate me, yet being around them is so disastrous to my mental health because I know that I am better than what they have achieved or believe but being around them makes me question myself. Luckily knowing who you are and respecting yourself can help you through this. You have to laugh some things off. 

    Indeed yes, it is so hard to balance it out, and I have my bad days where I feel like a failure, but I refuse to accept this kind of lifestyle. The more you get yourself into a routine, the more you can learn to balance work life and complete your dreams. Keep motivation, find new ways and old ways to motivate yourself. It will be some of the only ways to make your dreams come true. It will take time, but you cannot give up, and you must expect more from yourself. Do not work eight hours a day for a company and complete their dreams, but not achieve your dreams. You are more critical, and we need more people to follow their dreams. 

    If anything, I want to encourage you to make your dreams come true and achieve a lifestyle worth living. I believe anyone can achieve something with their life if they want it enough. Know that you are not alone in these negative feelings, and one day, they will pass as you see your dreams becoming a reality.


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