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Showing posts from October, 2021

Follow Your Dreams, Not a Low-end Job!

Follow Your Dreams, Not a Low-end Job! By: Kori McKenna       Working a low-end job can make anyone feel unsatisfied with life. Most people are searching for more in life than that; however, everyone has had low-end jobs to get to where they need to be in life. Most times, it's a struggle balancing a formidable job and making your dreams come true. I can attest to this. I am sitting at work on my break as I write this blog. My job is one of the lowest of the low. I spend much time working towards my goals in my free time so that I don't have to work this kind of job my whole life.       Unfortunately, at most low-end jobs, you can find older people who have worked this job their whole lives, and that is even where they plan to retire, or you find young kids working there who you know will be just like those same older adults one day.  I  ask myself, how did they not want more from life? And I also believe they could have done more for themselves, but they gave up to soon.  Thes

Why We Need to Normalize Healthy Food

  Why We Need to Normalize Healthy Food By: Kori McKenna              The staple of every meal in most households is meat, bread, and a portion of overcooked vegetables. This has been the norm for what seems to go back in time. Did you know that America eats the most meat more than any other country compared to some countries 12 times the amount of meat?           If it's a special occasion or just your average meal out on the town, meat is included. When I first became vegan, my grandpa came over for a holiday meal; there was no meat on the table. He ate the dinner but complained about no meat. He then said he would stop at Burger King on the way home to get his fix.         It seems like people eat one serving of vegetables and indeed think it's enough. They complain that vegetables are for rabbits and nasty, but nutrition facts and vegetables, fruits, and legumes are the best things you can provide to your body to keep it functional.         Just because we were lied to abou

Sexism In Everyday Life

Sexism In Everyday Life By: Kori McKenna     I have something to get off my chest; I am angry! I cannot get over the sexism I see in everyday life! Both genders face sexism, and it needs to be abolished. As a womxn, I will attest that I am so sick of the constant sexism and misogyny I face, DAILY! The sexist attitudes and beliefs that have made their way into mainstream living have me feeling completely disrespected.     I need to be very honest here about what has started this anger in me. It began as simple things where strange men would call me honey or sweetie. The simple stuff where men would tell me to smile because it would make me look prettier. The simple, using pussy to refer to a weak person. The simple but a man would not talk to another man that way, but will a womxn. This is just the beginning of a broader engrained issue, and let me tell you, this blog can't even cover 0.01% of what is going on with this deranged world we call home.     The more educated I became on