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How to follow your dreams & goals

 Have you thought about what your purpose is?

    I have put the time and effort into considering what my purpose is. We all have dreams & goals, and to accomplish them, we must step outside of our comfort zone and work towards them. 

See, to me, "working hard" is not about doing something you hate to get to somewhere you semi-want to be. Working hard to me is about working smart and getting to where you want to be.  

When you work smart, you put yourself in situations that will benefit you & in this way, I am asking you to be selfish. You want your passions to come true. After all, we do not have a lot of time on this planet & we should get to where we want to be as quickly as possible. Following your passion is beneficial not only to you but also to humanity. When I have thought about my purpose in life, I have discovered it is to change the world in small ways that lead to drastic changes in other people. 

Let me share with you tips & tricks to help you get to your goals more quickly. 

1. Time & energy

    We need to work towards our goals. It's simple though, let's get it done as soon as possible. You will need to put time, energy, thought & action into what you want to accomplish. You will need to stay motivated & keep your eyes on the prize. You will want to set time aside and start small or go big, it depends on your drive, but the goal is to work towards it and accomplish it.

2. Connections

    We need to make connections with like-minded people who want to accomplish similar goals. The best way to do this is to get involved in your community and find support groups online and offline. You will want to do everything in your power to find as many supports and connections as possible. Some examples include hanging flyers asking for help, doing lots of research, going into places that do what you want to do & ask questions, or seeing how you can get involved. We will need to be willing to put ourselves out there. Surround yourself with people who have the same passions and drive as you.

3. Go outside your comfort zone

    Going outside of your comfort zone is a complicated task for some of us to do, including myself. If you do not go outside your comfort zone and stay who you are, how can you growTake action! You will want to put yourself out there as much as possible in ways that make it easier for you to find opportunities and for opportunities to see you. Leaving your zone can take time & that's okay, but remember, the quicker you can do it, the faster you can succeed. So go ahead, make an effort!

4. Don't be afraid of setbacks or failure

    Easier said than done, right? Especially in a world that loves to critique people. We need to accept that we live in a world where failure and setbacks are inevitable. We need not care. Grow, and keep working towards your goals. We need more people like you with passion. Don't ever take failures personally. It happens to all of us. My tip would be to practice failing. What better way to do that than to accomplish your dreams. All failures can and will lead to success if you do not give up. Do you think that celebrities and other public figures haven't had their fair share of setbacks? Setbacks are a part of life; we must move forward.

5. Realize the life-path set is not for all of us 

    Everyone has told you what to do. Do what everyone else has been doing. It's time for us to realize that people's path for so long is not for all of us. It's our job not to accept it & to prove everyone wrong. Only then can we move forward. If life isn't about completing your dreams and passions, then what is life's purpose? Stop being afraid to create your pathPush yourself to achieve your goals. Don't just listen to motivational quotes; live them.


  1. Thank you for reading! Let me know what your dreams are!


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