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6 ways to take back your health!

 6 ways to take back your health!

Being healthy is powerful!

     It is never too late to take back your health! Being healthy is hard! Who wants to do what is right for them - said no one ever! The bad stuff is always the most enticing, but what gives me a sense of power and motivation is self-control. Nothing feels better than when you complete an exercise or eat a healthy meal. The energy you feel afterward does not compare to what you think after a hangover! I created a list of simple ways to take back your health! Let me know how you feel after you have tried them.

1. Eat healthily

   Easier said than done. I can recount many times I have heard and seen people talk about how nasty vegetables are! Vegetables, fruits & beans are the only way to meet all of your nutritional needs. They are essential to keeping your body going. Changing your taste palate can take time, so I suggest starting with fruits and vegetables you already love! You will be guaranteed to have a healthy gut, fewer doctor visits, and more energy! 

  You can also eat more since there are fewer calories per serving! It is a win-win! 

  Did you know that eating healthy is one of the only ways you can prolong your chances of survival despite genetics? The foods you eat can turn on and off specific genetics! Who doesn't love life? Eat healthily, stay healthy!

2. Stop smoking & drinking 

   Not smoking and drinking are easy for me since I don't do either. Luckily both taste bad to me! However, I know this is a part of many people's daily habits. What horrible side effects it has on the body, but no one ever thinks about that. Studies have shown that you can increase your chances of survival if you quit smoking and drinking at any time in your life! If you don't stop, then at some point, you're going to have to face the consequences of your actions. You are very likely to end up with severe problems, and your loved ones are going to be devastated that they lost someone prematurely. Why do people spend money only to kill themselves slowly? If you need help to quit, please seek help.

   You can contact SAMHSA National Helpline for treatment centers near you. SAMHSA is a free and confidential service. The phone number is 1-800-662-4357

   Visit SAMHSA website at

   Who doesn't love life? Healthy habits, healthy life!

3. Exercise

   I ride my bike, go for jogs, and exercise at home on my yoga mat. I have psoriatic arthritis, so I go for easy exercises and not too hard on my body. Exercise makes you feel happy, confident, and capable. It also makes you feel less anxiety, stress, and even physical pain. Do the exercises that best suit your activity level and health. You can find exercises that fit your needs with quick searches on Pinterest, Google, Tik Tok, and more. Type in what kind of exercise you want (moderate, easy, hard, abs, thigh, arms, etc.). Try to work your way up to higher activity levels and increased exercise time. Start slow but gain strength to do more. Exercise a couple of times a week at least. Maybe you are trying to get in shape, lose weight, maintain weight or get some fresh air and vitamin D. Either way; exercise is a necessity for health. Happy, healthy, strong!

   If you think you can lose some weight, try a weight-betting app and earn money while losing weight. You can use this one, but you can find many more weight wager sites with a google search.

4. Clean your house and use natural cleaners

  I clean my one-bedroom apartment 2-3 times a week! Thankfully its small...No one said it would be fun, but maybe you'll feel the hype of cleaning when you join the bandwagon of natural cleaners. First and foremost, cleaning has many effects on your physical and mental health. It lowers your stress and fatigue, reduces allergies and asthma symptoms, lessens the spread of germs, keeps pests away, and even improves your diet and waistline. 

   "Research has shown that people eat more sweets and high-fat foods when faced with daily hassles or professional stress. Researchers from Cornell University found that a chaotic physical environment may play a role as well. They set up two test kitchens with healthy and unhealthy snacks - one organized and the other messy and disorganized - and found those working in the dirty kitchen consumed nearly twice as many calories in sweets as those who worked in the organized kitchen. 

So, grab the vacuum and work up a little sweat cleaning your home - it's good for your health."


   SECRET: ( I use cleaning as my excuse not to go exercise, it's a trade-off, right?!)

  If you want to have a little fun while cleaning, turn up the music and try some natural and organic cleaners. They will add a boost of extra health and feel-good vibes!

  I even use homemade cleaners with a simple mix of apple cider vinegar and water. You can also add essential oils for a good smell and isopropyl alcohol to kill the bacteria.

5. Keep up on your hygiene

   Bathe regularly, trim your nails and toenails, brush and floss, and wash your hands. What do you do to keep up on your hygiene? I love to keep my cuticles trimmed, use a pumice stone on my feet, spend copious amounts of time putting healthy products on my hair, and enjoying a regular face and skin routine.

  Research has proven that the body is an excellent place for disease-causing germs and parasites to grow and multiply. 

  Once again, you can boost your health routine by using natural beauty products and upgrading your products. For example, I have upgraded to an electric toothbrush machine that kills 99.9% of germs on the brush after each use. I also use Native toothpaste, which has kept my teeth pearly white.

6. Go to the doctors 

    It seems all too obvious, but it is not. I haven't been to the doctor in 7+ years! I went recently, and I am now solving a handful of health problems! I am happy to be getting the treatment I need. Book an appointment and get your health back on track!

No healthy habit has an expiry date. The sooner you start, the better off you will be. Let's start on our journey to good health today! I wish you luck, and I am here to support you!


  1. Hi everyone! Thank you for reading! Tell me, do you live a healthy life? What is a healthy choice you make and are proud of?


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